Perancangan Cetakan Injection Molding Hand Press Untuk Produk Slide Piece CVT Menggunakan FEM



Alfan Ekajati Latief (Institut Teknologi Nasional)
Lutfi Darusman (Institut Teknologi Nasional)
Wibowo Pria Fahla (Institut Teknologi Nasional)
Ahmad Dzilfairuz Zaidan (Institut Teknologi Nasional)
Nuha Desi Anggraeni (Institut Teknologi Nasional)


The development of composite materials in the automotive industry has reached the stage of utilizing natural fibers to pursue relatively low material prices with the same quality. One method for product formation is injection molding. This study aims to design the most efficient mold from a variety of shapes, dimensions, and runner types used with the help of SolidWorks software. The tool used to support the design of the mold is a low-pressure injection molding hand press with a barrel temperature specification of 200 C - 250 C, barrel volume of 270 cm3, and an out-of-nozzle diameter of 8 mm. The most efficient design is determined from three multi-cavity models with different shapes. This research produces a two-plate mold with multi-cavity modeling which has a low-pressure parameter of 1.89 MPa and the shrinkage factor is still within the standard range of PPHI material (< 1%).


Injection Molding; Mold; Slide Piece; Solidworks

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